
Marquette Committed to Building A Successful Program

Quick Hits:

ECAC Likely to Expand with Addition of Michigan

-Boise St. Lax Draws A Crowd

-New Mass. High School Having Lax Success

-New Lax Store Opens In Chicago

-Can't Deny the 'D' In D1 Lately

-CSU Club Lacrosse Featured on TV Show

-The SEC and Lacrosse

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Baseball Losing Its Grip on Young Athletes

Jim Curtin has coached Burlington High baseball since 1960, and that includes coaching his three sons who later played college baseball. Curtin himself is the son of a baseball coach.

"When I started coaching, everybody played baseball," says Curtin, 73, a local baseball treasure who has watched the national pastime's springtime preeminence slip. Baseball now shares boys' rites of spring with lacrosse -- participation-wise, the fastest-growing team sport -- and uninterrupted basketball, soccer and hockey seasons that feed year-round specialists.

Track and tennis are going strong, too.

Faster competition for the hearts and minds of shrinking attention spans.

A Wall Street Journal story on the eve of the of the 2011 Major League Baseball season presented numbers suggesting baseball is losing its grip on America's restless youth. While baseball still has the fourth-most all-ages participants among team sports in the U.S. (about 11.5 million players) -- trailing basketball, soccer and softball -- the WSJ cited National Sporting Goods Association numbers indicating that from 2000-2009, baseball participation among kids ages 7 to 17 fell by 24 percent.

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-Mass. Girls Program Sees Growth

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The Big One?

Notre Dame Western Most #1 Team In NCAA Lacrosse History

SOUTH BEND — Welcome to the western frontier of the men's college lacrosse civilization.

A wilderness, of sorts.

Notre Dame is one of the remote outposts in the sport's wild west. Only Air Force and Denver are more distant from the center of the universe.

Lacrosse is as East Coast as that thin, foldable New York-style pizza and crab cakes. It comes with an attitude and a bias against anything that doesn't conform.

All that causes Kevin Corrigan little angst. The Irish lacrosse coach for the last 23 years, Corrigan has made a career out of riding in the face of the bias.

Focus. Do the work, day-to-day. Believe in the system.
The system has worked pretty well lately. Two years ago, an undefeated regular season and No. 2 national ranking were spoiled by a first-round elimination in the NCAA Tournament. Last year, struggles through the regular season were followed by a magical run through the tournament that ended in an overtime loss to Duke in the national championship game.

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-Lacrosse Movie to Show at Cannes Festival

-Be Thankful Lax Can Have a Growth Blog.  Here's the Alternative

New MLL Ohio Franchise Will Be The Ohio Machine

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Ohio Machine Facebook

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Varsity Status and a Well Organized MCLA Alumni Organization

When an athletic department begins to seriously consider adding Varsity Men's Lacrosse the likely first step, especially at the Division I level, is to create an exploratory committee or initiate a feasibility study. Many issues will be reviewed at this point in the process:

Facilities: Do we have an appropriate game and practice facility? Do we need to consider a new field surface (i.e. grass to field turf) or other facility renovations? Do we have a dedicated locker room for this program? Will it be a seasonal or year round locker room?

Interest: What is the interest level like locally? State wide? Is it a state sponsored championship high school sport? Are youth leagues prominent? Is there interest within the student body? Is it a sport that is trending nationally? Is there local talent that we could consider recruiting?

The Student Athlete: What type of student athlete will we be bringing to campus? Are they academically strong? Will they be a good fit in our community?

Regional and National Competition: Is their a reasonable amount of other programs whom sponsor lacrosse within driving distance? Does our universities primary athletic conference sponsor the sport? If not is there another conference willing to gain us entry? Can we compete for a national championship?

John Christmas Brings Lax to Inner City Philly

LEAPS Lacrosse from Black Box Productions on Vimeo.

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Bridgewater College (VA) Adds Men's Lacrosse

BRIDGEWATER, Va. — Following the approval of the Board of Trustees on Friday, Bridgewater College will add women’s golf and men’s lacrosse to its roster of NCAA Division III sports teams. Both teams will begin competition in the 2012-2013 academic year. With the addition of these teams, Bridgewater will position itself as one of the premier institutions in its conference--the Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC)--in regards to its breadth of athletic offerings.

“We observed interest and ability in women’s golf and men’s lacrosse among students currently on campus and moved to expand our offerings to give students even greater opportunity to reap the benefits of team sports, competition and general fitness,” said Bridgewater College President George Cornelius. “We are committed to ensuring all of our students have the opportunity to participate in competitive sports when the student interest exists.”

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