MARQUETTE, Mich. – Northern Michigan University Athletic Director Forrest Karr announced Friday that the NMU Board of Trustees unanimously voted to add four intercollegiate sports. Women’s golf and men’s swimming and diving will be implemented next fall. Women’s lacrosse and men’s soccer will follow in 2016.
All four sports will compete in the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.
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Ottawa, Kansas – Ottawa University announced today the addition of men's and women's lacrosse. With the addition of these two teams, it brings OU's total number of varsity athletic teams to 20. The search for a head coach and recruitment of student-athletes will begin immediately, with competition slated to begin in 2015-16. Lacrosse is a spring sport, which fits well into the University's athletic offerings from a scheduling and facility standpoint.
Lacrosse was developed by Native Americans as early as the 15th century and was played for recreation, the settlement of tribal disputes and as a form of warrior training. Goals could be up to several miles apart with no sidelines to constrain play. Like so many others around the country, Ottawa University is opting to return to the country's original athletic roots, as well as its own roots through its ties with the Ottawa Tribe, to play the oldest game on the continent.
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Quick Hits:
-Indigenous Studies Program to Focus on Lacrosse
-Lacrosse Clinics in South Africa
-Hackettstown (PA) Schoolboard Approves Lacrosse
-Hong Kong Establishes Lacrosse High Performance Camp
-More on Cleveland State Considering Lacrosse
-First Year Program Navy Women's Lacrosse Gets Underway at Georgetown
-More on UAH Adding Lacrosse
-Students Push for Lacrosse at Alamo Colleges (TX)
-Girls Lacrosse Comes to Carrolwood Schools (FL)
Northern Michigan University (DII) & Ottawa University (NAIA KS) Add Lacrosse

Sunday Lax Links

-Sport England Rewards England Lacrosse For Sports Growth
-BC Football Honors Lacrosse Hero
-Michigan Approves Plan for Lacrosse Stadium
-UAH Adds Lacrosse But Is It a Good Idea
-BBC Sports: How to Get Into Lacrosse
-2014 High School Participation Survey Results Released
-What's Right with Youth Lacrosse
-D1 Lacrosse Being Considered at Cleveland State
-New England Black Wolves are the NLLs Newest Team
University of Alabama Huntsville Adds Lacrosse

The University of Alabama in Huntsville Department of Athletics announced the addition of men's and women's lacrosse programs on Monday, and the teams will begin competition in the spring of 2016. The teams will compete at the NCAA Division II level, increasing UAH's number of varsity sports to 18.
"Increasing opportunities for young people is always very gratifying," said UAH Director of Athletics Dr. E. J. Brophy.
"We look forward to having our first UAH lacrosse student-athletes on campus next fall to compete for, and earn degrees from, one of the finest institutions in
the country."
The Chargers will compete at Charger Park, an immaculate on-campus facility that also houses the University's men's and women's soccer programs along with baseball and softball. UAH will join the current 57 Division II institutions that sponsor men's lacrosse and 85 schools that have women's lacrosse.
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Sunday Lax Links

-Lacrosse Team Goes CoEd in Hope to Grow the Game
-Horry County HS (SC) Approves Sanctioned Lacrosse
-NYC Program Awarded US Lacrosse Grant
-New Lacrosse Coach Hopes to Build Cal Program
-San Benito High (CA) Adds Lacrosse
-Dominican University (CA DII) to Downgrade Program to MCLA
-Lacrosse Sweeps the Philippines
-Supporters Seek Lacrosse at Edmond (OK) Schools
-B1G Women's Lacrosse Helping to Grow the Game
-How Lacrosse is Changing Higher Ed