
Thomas More University (NAIA KY) Adds Men's Lacrosse

Thomas More University President Joseph L. Chillo, LP.D., and Director of Athletics Terry Connor have announced the addition of men's lacrosse to the sports offering in the University's athletic department. Men's lacrosse will be the 29th athletic program at Thomas More, which continues the University's commitment to invest in the student experience. 

 A national search will begin immediately for a full-time head coach for the team.
The University will begin recruiting for the 2021-2022 academic year, which will be club season as the program begins to build a roster. Men's lacrosse will begin playing a varsity schedule during the 2022-2023 academic year. In addition to beginning men's lacrosse and hiring a full-time head coach, Thomas More will also begin a national search for the women's lacrosse program's first full-time head coach. As the women's lacrosse program has grown over the last few years, the University is investing in that program and the women's lacrosse student-athletes to provide them the best experience on and off the field that a full-time head coach can provide. 

 "Lacrosse is a growing sport and we want to be able to commit to our students by providing opportunities where they're needed," said Connor. "The new full-time head coach for women's lacrosse will take the program to another level, truly raising the bar for that team and the student-athletes already involved. The new men's team adds numerous opportunities for current and prospective Saints."

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